Ayurveda Yoga Training Paths
Ayurveda Training is an important foundation to yoga practice. Rasa Yoga offers Ayurveda Certification Krama I and Krama II, consisting of weekend workshops along with weekly lecture classes focused on direct experience and application of principle. These paths allow the student to receive and apply teachings through the lens of the sister science to yoga.
Ayurveda Yoga Certification is perfect for you if you desire to:
- Understand more about holistic healing
- Learn to listen and respond to your own body
- Make conscious choices regarding your health & happiness
- Create balance and harmony that is sustainable
- Discover how asana, meditation, and mantra are used to create balance
- Update and expand your definition of health

Ayurveda Krama I
Workshop- Healing Through Yoga & Ayurveda
Workshop - Ayurveda: Holistic Living
Workshop - Ayurveda: Cultivating Vitality & Wisdom
Workshop - Asana Immersion
Workshop - Anatomy of YogaÂ
Workshop - Meditation: Dharana
Workshop - Meditation: DhyanaÂ
Workshop - Nada Yoga & Primal Sound
Classroom Hours:
Being Ayurveda & Supplemental Ayurveda ~ Wednesday evenings
Primal Sound & Mantra ~ 8 hoursÂ
General Asana Class Attendance ~ 30 hours
Being Yoga - 6 Months
Homework - Ayurveda research paper

Ayurveda Krama II
Pre-requisite - Registration in Level 1 and/or 75% of Level I terms committed to memory
Workshop - Rasa Asana Immersion
Workshop - Advanced Anatomy & Yoga Therapy
Workshop - Healing through Yoga & Ayurveda
Workshop - Nada Yoga & Primal Sound
Classroom Hours:
Being Ayurveda & Supplemental Ayurveda ~ Wednesday Evenings
Primal Sound & Mantra ~ 8 hoursÂ
General Asana Class Attendance ~ 30 hours
Being Yoga - 3 MonthsÂ
Homework - Ayurveda research paper