Rasa Yoga Workshops
Rasa Yoga Workshops are open to all students and provide additional support throughout various stages of your practice. Most workshops are offered each year. Workshops are a great way to learn more and expand your practice.
Click on the Workshop title below to learn more about each workshop. To find the latest dates of each Workshop, go to the Events Calendar, where you can register.
Events CalendarAdvanced Anatomy
Anatomy of Yoga
Asana Immersion
Ayurveda: Cultivating Vitality and Wisdom
Ayurveda: Holistic Living
Healing Body Image and Eating Disorders
Healing Through Yoga & Ayurveda
Leadership Development I: Advanced Art of Yoga Studies
Leadership Development II: Art of Yoga Cikitsa
Meditation Intensive: Dharana
Meditation Intensive: Dhyana
Rasa Asana Immersion
Perfect Wrong Student
Weekend Intensive: Yoga as Pranayama
Weekend Intensive: Yoga as Self-Mastery
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